When I was young I was really strong Never thought this time would ever come Me and my besties always tripping around And all night long partying in the club Thinking it was hot to be a thug Fought with knives even against the cops You step on our toes we beat your ass Our country laws we didn’t care Three times I’ve been in jail But got out without any pain Thought I was young dude Skipping school even daddy suffered to pay Me and my crew so rude Disobeyed elderly people Thinking that we knew everything Never forget what my daddy told me That someday I'll also be a dad It seemed so funny Now I realize I was really stupid Wasting time wasting time I been wasting time Tripping around
I was 18 but I closed my eyes When I opened my eyes I’m 34
I was 18 but I closed my eyes When I opened my eyes I’m 34
I was 18 but I closed my eyes When I opened my eyes I’m 34
I was 18 but I closed my eyes When I opened my eyes I’m 34
Always chasing the paper Bad means to get the dollar Stealing cars Selling drugs A lot of women I cheated Can call myself an idiot Young and life inexperienced Trouble all over my mind After so many years being convicted Never gave a damn About it about it about it Mama prayed so hard About it about it about it Wish I can rewind the time Change it to a better life Things I couldn’t do right like Having so much pride Instead of the truth I preferred telling a lie Eih I’m afraid If my kids gonna be the same now I realize I was really stupid wasting time wasting time I’ve been wasting time Tripping around
I was 18 but I closed my eyes When I opened my eyes I’m 34
I was 18 but I closed my eyes When I opened my eyes I’m 34
I was 18 but I closed my eyes When I opened my eyes I’m 34
I was 18 but I closed my eyes when I opened my eyes I’m 34
I gotta rewind the time If it's possible Rewind the time Only if it's possible Gotta rewind the time If it's possible Rewind the time Only if it's possible I gotta rewind the time If it's possible Rewind the time Only if it's possible Gotta rewind the time If it's possible Rewind the time But it's impossible
Wish I go back in time To when I was young So I can correct my wrongs Correct my wrongs Correct my wrongs Thought I was man enough Saw nothing wrong with my bad life Bad life bad life bad life Yeah I was young and fresh Living life with no aim Thinking only about today Forgetting tomorrow ain't be the same
Wish I go back in time To when I was young So I can correct my wrongs Correct my wrongs Correct my wrongs Thought I was man enough Saw nothing wrong with my bad life Bad life bad life bad life Yeah
Wish I go back in time To when I was young So I can correct my wrongs Correct my wrongs Correct my wrongs Thought I was man enough Saw nothing wrong with my bad life Bad life bad life bad life Yeah
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