Black Girls Glow is a project that will bring together female musicians and artists with the goal of creating music/content that is not defined by, or limited to the external boundaries imposed by the predefined, male-dominated structure of the art scene.
Women who will bring their own issues and styles and their own vocal patterns and musicality. The project will also leverage the collective gathering of women and the power of creating together to empower each woman involved to solve specific issues relevant to their communities, and thus, help build stronger communities across the country.
This project aims to provide hands-on training and workshops for young women between the ages of 18 to 35 to enhance music industry skills, leadership, entrepreneurship knowledge with an end-goal of empowering, inspiring and increasing the active leadership presence of women in music entertainment. Using both in-class access to equipment, hands on engagement with local music industry leaders, performance training, and long-term mentorship, Black Girls Glow will provide a ground-breaking multi-level approach to education for underrepresented communities.
It will impact my community by empowering, inspiring and increasing the active leadership presence of women in music entertainment. It will establish and maintain a mentorship relationship between artists / performers and young people in their communities – a relationship focused on sharing skills and using music as a tool to solve community-related issues, and to entertain as well. Members of the community will become more closely tied together to feel like one big family that is working to address, acknowledge, and support core and communal issues through dialogue and art.
Young female artists will be given a chance to develop deeper connections not only to their audiences, but also to institutions that may be able to support their work long-term. The project aims to improve the craft of women artists, and at the same time improve the overall community by having the benefit of different perspectives of art.
This project also aims to examine and address the value of strong creative economies to support the fact that arts and music add value to a society not only culturally or spiritually, but also economically. Arts and music create stronger economies, and we as artists must continue to support this idea, and develop new ways to create innovative solutions to music business. This is especially true for women.
By emphasizing music business development, and sharing ideas for building a stronger female-driven music business community, this project will change the perception of “art meant for lazy people” as is commonly preached in Ghana, and encourage women.
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