uuuh yeah eeeee Uhhhh Yeah Yeaaa it's L.Gre on it gain Huuu ummm
Hard times you stand by me Sweet times you for de my side A no de lie no be lie eeeee A no go make you cry aaa aaaa Don't you ever be naive Mene wonkoaa ne b3ko owuom 10 times will de for you My love for you will intimidate them Wonkoa na manida wo so ooh Me nni obiaa ho adwen ka wo ho ooo Ohh my dear yeah errh errrh
Phaya eei phaya Boy your body bi Phaya Phaya eeee phaya eee Your body bi phaya Phaya eee phaya Boy your body bi Phaya Phaya eeee phaya eee Your body bi phaya
You're lovely,suprise that Every girl hope she will get And never does When i look at you i know we were meant to be each moment Can't you see i love you more My heart is beating for you alone When i am in need you i call You don't even know What you mean to me We have our ups and downs But its worth it We've being through a lot And you know it Only your love Only your love Makes me feel proud when you show it
Phaya eee phaya Boy your body bi Phaya Your body bi phaya Phaya eee phaya Boy your body bi Phaya Phaya eeee phaya eee Your body bi phaya
Abi running in a mile searching for you Can you imagine life without you Oh my love Come and hold me down I am falling for your you Each and everyday you de my heart When i am sick i de your ward You be my love doctor oooh yeahhhh eeeeee
Phaya eeeeeeeeeh ooh uuuhh yeahhhh
Phaya eei phaya Boy your body bi Phaya Phaya eeee phaya eee Your body bi phaya Phaya eei phaya Boy your body bi Phaya Phaya eeee phaya eee Your body bi phaya
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