Baba God made you Very very special Don't doubt yourself Don't dull yourself Always walk Like you're anointed I will never never swap you For nobody else
My chocolate queen Africa chocolate My chocolate queen Sweet chocolate Sweet chocolate My chocolate queen Africa chocolate My chocolate queen Sweet chocolate Sweet
You know you're the mama Of the universe Gbogbo agbaye That's your power Don't let no one tell you Negative vibe You're beautiful As you dey so
My chocolate queen Africa chocolate My chocolate queen Sweet chocolate Sweet chocolate My chocolate queen Africa chocolate My chocolate queen Sweet chocolate Sweet
You too beautiful You too beautiful Don't let anyone Don't let anyone Make you feel inferior
My chocolate queen Africa chocolate My chocolate queen Sweet chocolate Sweet chocolate My chocolate queen Africa chocolate My chocolate queen Sweet chocolate Sweet
You're not inferior You're not inferior Best thing since slice bread You're not inferior You're not inferior You're not inferior You're not inferior Best thing since slice bread You're not inferior You're not inferior You compliment my melanin Yes you do You compliment my melanin Yes you do
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Antoian Kordiyal
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