I will worship you and bow down For You are God and God alone Creator Master of the universe. Nyame aguama gye w’ayeyi I will worship you and bow down For You are God and God alone Creator Master of the universe. Nyame aguama gye w’ayeyi Gye w’ayeyi Nyame aguama Gye w’ayeyi Nyame aguama oo Obiara obiara enti se wo Obiara obiara enti se wo
Second verse You are the great I am my peace on earth Lord of Lords none can contend This love we feel will never leave us For all you do Gye w’ayeyi Gye w’ayeyi Nyame aguama gye w’ayeyi Gye w’ayeyi Nyame aguama Obiara obiara enti se wo Obiara obiara enti se wo
Gye w’ayeyi Nyame aguama Gye w’ayeyi Gye w’ayeyi Nyame aguama Obiara obiara enti se wo Obiara obiara enti se wo
Gye w’ayeyi Nyame aguama Gye w’ayeyi Gye w’ayeyi Nyame aguama Obiara obiara enti se wo We give you all the worship Obiara obiara enti se wo
Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh
Obiara obiara Obiara obiara enti se wo Obiara obiara Obiara obiara enti se wo Obiara obiara Obiara obiara enti se wo Obiara obiara Obiara obiara enti se wo
There’s none like you none like you There’s none like you none like you There’s none like you none like you Heiii There’s none like you none like you There’s none like you none like you There’s none like you none like you Obiara obiara Obiara obiara enti se wo
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