Kankam Set To Release Hit Single Ahead Of Album In 2021 .

aftownnews aftownnews · 4 years ago · 2107 views
Versatile music act Kankam, with his new body of work ‘Bibini’, dares to challenge – especially the African man, who is married to break the infamous notion of “African men are unromantic”.
Kankam Set To Release Hit Single Ahead Of Album In 2021 .

Versatile music act Kankam, with his new body of work ‘Bibini’, dares to challenge – especially the African man, who is married to break the infamous notion of “African men are unromantic”.

But endeavor through their words and actions, to make their wives feel loved and appreciated.
Awakening the consciousness of the African woman, Kankam in ‘Bibini’ encourages black women to accept themselves and acknowledge each of their uniqueness in both skin and mind.
In broad-spectrum, this piece is beautifully composed with dynamic African beats and rhythms, characterized by distinct sounds majorly emanating from his guitar strings.

His vision is to serve the world with his God-given Talent, where he steadily spreads his inherent
light by profoundly impacting on today’s generation and generations to come; Kankam continuously
writes and records enjoyable and educative tunes in preparation for his 2021 album.
Thus his message is for his fans to first anticipate the wonderful upcoming single ‘Bibini’ as they eagerly await the release of the said album, which definitely promises to reignite the love of HighLife in their hearts and inflame the ever-present High Life moves in the soles of their feet.

Source: Livextragh

  • Nathino

    Can't wait to listen


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