Known in real life as Leticia Opare, Gyaldem Tish was born on 5th March. She is a Ghanaian Reggae Dancehall artist, She started singing at an early age and fell in love with the music when she got to Junior High School. Her passion for music got her working hard towards her dream of being one of Ghana's biggest female artiste. Through hard work and determination she gained recognition prior the release of her first single "UnderTaker". She was brought up listening to Gospel and Reggae music under the influence of her siblings at home and friends at the Senior High. Her first major label is DPM Records under which she has released 5 singles - ('Undertaker, iWoman, Suffer Get, Nuh Care & Fear No Man'). She fell in love with live band after watching some few live band shows, hence she started rehearsing and now she is one of the best live band performers in Ghana. Follow her social media pages for more FB:IG:Twitter@gyaldemtish
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