Mohammed Ismail Sharrif, known as Black Sherif in showbiz circles, and casually as Blacko is a promising young singer to breakout out on the Ghanaian music scene. Currently based in Tema, he was born on 9th January, 2002 as the only child to his parents, Mariam Musah and Ismail Kwabena Frimpong in Ashanti Akyem Konongo, his parents have since relocated to Greece. He rose to prominence with his viral hit, “Money” which blew up in the first quarter of 2020 with high praise for his unorthodox flow and relevant lyrics, which was fresh and highly accepted by the Ghanaian music community and listeners alike. After battling with mental health issues and taking a break from his career, Blacko went on to put another single, “Destiny” which was as successful as his earlier release, prompting industry players to pay more attention to the 18 year old sensation. Black Sherif is a product of Kumasi Academy and is currently in UPSA for his tertiary studies.
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شراء المطلوبة
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العمر مقيد المسار
هذا المسار مقيد بحسب العمر للمشاهدين دون سن 18 عامًا, إنشاء حساب أو تسجيل الدخول لتأكيد عمرك.
إنشاء DMCA إنزال إشعار
تم حذف تقرير التعليق بنجاح.
تقرير التعليق
تم حذف تقرير التعليق بنجاح.
الإبلاغ عن تعليق.
تم حذف تقرير المسار بنجاح.
تقرير المسار.
تم حذف تقرير المسار بنجاح.
مراجعة المسار.
اختيار طريقة الدفع
اختيار طريقة الدفع
التحويل المصرفي
Garanti Bank
Account number / IBAN
Antoian Kordiyal
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Routing code
United States
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